Rodrigo Ventura
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Usuario: arodrigovp
País: México
Miembro desde:
Web personal

Born in Mexico City, self-taught.
I always drew everything that caught my attention,my only training was observing, experimenting and messing up, suddenly when I grew older I stopped drawing.

Living in a country where most of their people denies their roots without realizing of the cultural richness of which we are heirs, for all that mixture of colors, flavors, rhythms and even spiritually, this situation again awoke my interest in drawing and capture all these feelings.

With all this, I don´t aspire even to be called "artist", but I´m still searching a form of expression and create some awareness about these situations.

Rodrigo Ventura.

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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