Daniel Yáñez González-Irún
Obra de arte: Nothingness en artistasdelatierra.com

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Usuario: daniyanez
País: España
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"All things, and we with them, sink into indifference. But not in the sense that everything simply disappears. Rather, in the very drawing away from us as such, things turn toward us. This drawing away of everything in its totality, which in angst is happening all around us, haunts us. There is nothing to hold on to. The only thing that remains and comes over us--in this drawing away of everything--is this ´nothingness´. Martin Heidegger "

"La Pena de Muerte" -IV
"Tríptico de Navidades" ...
Copyright: Daniel Yáñez González-Irún ©
Atención: Esta totalmante prohibida la reproducción de las obras en otros medios electronicos o impresos sin la autorización del autor. Si te interesa la obra contacta con el autor.

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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Artistas y arte. Artistas de la tierra