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Usuario: Artmaikel
País: España
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Maikel was born in 1969 in the village of Los Palacios y Villafranca in South of Spain, between the city of Seville and the Marismas of Guadalquivir marshland, he also spent part of his childhood in the South of France, agriculture, freedom, sunshine and friends.

The colours of his childhood settle during his school years at Colegio Maria Auxiliadora, where he is cherished by his teachers, some already saw him as a gifted child. As a teenager he continued his education achieving a high school certificate in Business Administration, later he studies in Sevilla city and completes a Degree in Arts and Design, at Escuela de Artes Aplicadas of Seville.

Always the free spirit he lived intensely the 80’s and 90’s, enjoying an extensive and picturesque network of friends in the arts, music and media world, a mover and shaker of the Sevilla ‘mundillo del arte’, he achieves further professional specialism, with most of his work focusing in the traditional skills of Guilding and Polychroming. He still finds time to enjoy Sevilla’s art circles and gets invited to exclusive society parties, his work takes him to have access to all areas and he enjoys alternative circles and picturesque sets, a magical combination of worlds within worlds, his spiritual inspiration develops in an intense search for meaning, life is a ‘misterio’ and Maikel finds ways to express this intense philosophical search, distilling it in simplicity, wisdom lines, colour and fluid forms that appear as if dancing on canvas.

His village of Los Palacios and Villafranca is always at his heart, his family, the vineyards of his childhood and nature inspire him the most, Andalucía and passionate Flamenco mix playfully in his postmodernist world.
Maikel’s livelihood is his art, and every project he has worked on, from freelance interior design, theme park work, landscaping, backstage scenery, or photography is developed in a totally personal distinctive way.
He is also a great communicator and has charisma, mediatic talent, Radio and Television broadcasting also figure in is extensive career He has also collaborated with TV Documentary Program Technopolis.

Sponsored by renown Spanish Art Gallerists Pera Lola and Antonio Naranjo, with the backing of important industry names, he has worked with the Junta de Andalucía contributing his work to the Lisbon Expo and SIMOF. He has been defined as New Renaissance type of artist, with a deeply spiritual approach.

Nevertheless a wicked twinkle of his eye and a refined characteristic sense of humour enjoyed by his many friends all over the world.

Nacido en los palacios y villafranca el 14/09/1969
curso la E.G.B en el C.P.
María Auxiliadora. Estudios medios de la rama administratriva y mas adelante en la escuela de artes aplicadas de oficios artísticos de Sevilla en la especialidad de dorado y policromia.
Trabajo como freelance de decoración,tematización,
paisajismo y escenografía tambien fotografía,radio, televisión desde los 87 hasta la actualidad.
Apadrinado por Ventana Plástica,asociación de dos hermanas siendo padrinos de honor Lola Pera y Antonio Naranjo.
Otros datos de medición son la identidad corporativa PROKLISIS (Junta de Andalucía);presentado en la Expo de Lisboa.
Diseñador revelación de SIMOF
Programa documental tecnópolis.
Definido como un artista
multifuncional de perfil renacentista y espiritual.

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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