Brandon Berdugo
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Usuario: Berdugo00
País: Estados Unidos
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Brandon Berdugo

Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey on September 14th 1973

The arts grow within us and it is our will to allow them to flourish and spread leaving their beauty behind. We are instruments, the eyes that see, the hands that paint, the soul that burns.....

- Por que eres o te sientes artista?
- It is an artists duty to create with ones own flavor, all souls sing a different song, so be it a painting for a bottle of whiskey or a painting for $1000. I create.

- ¿Cómo emerge tu creatividad?
- I see things while I listen to music, la musica de las tierras de mis padres, intento de poner en papel o el lienzo lo que hay adentro, transformando la combinacion de musica, trago y originalidad on canvas!

- 3 artistas
- Alejandro Obregon, Amadeo Modigliani, Enrique Grau

- ¿Que opinión te merece el mercado del arte?
- One of a student discovering new forms to bring life to something new, when I will get there I do not know....

- ¿Que aporta el arte a la tierra?
- Giving back to lifes beauty a mirror of sorts.

- ¿Que opinión te merece
Thats for them to write.

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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Artistas y arte. Artistas de la tierra