Andrea Benetti
Galeria Abstractism of the origins Andrea Benetti en

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Usuario: benetti
País: Italia
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Abstractism of the origins

This collection of works created to remember, if anything the need arose, that the style of figurative painting, symbolism and, as the author points out the works to follow even abstract art, were conceived by primitive man, in the caves of prehistory, at least in their embryonic stage. Some colored geometric shapes, found in cave paintings, symbols designed and coded by Professor André Leroi Gourhan, are reviewed, transfigured, idealized, dreamed, reinvented in the works of Andrea Benetti, who wants to make a fitting tribute to the true origins of abstract art and those who invented it. This collection of works consists of bas-reliefs with gesso on canvas and then antiqued using natural substances, such as cocoa, turmeric, henna, red sorrel, coffee. Finally, some parts of the works are then painted with oil paints.
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La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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