Vilma Penrroz
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Usuario: montecatini2
País: Chile
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Vilma Penrroz


In 1994 she begins her drawing and painting studies, developing mixed techniques on canvas and wood in different textures, collage, charcoal, experimenting also the sculpture in “The Windows Workshop”.

Now at days she has her own workshop, where she teaches children, teenagers and adults. Born in 1957, Chilean nationality…

Collective Exhibitions
1994 Painting Contest “Cerámica Precolombina” (Pre-Columbian Ceramic) , County Government Hall “Pedro Luna”, Los Angeles, Chile.
1995 “Taller La Ventana” (The Window Workshop), County Government Hall “Pedro Luna” Los Angeles, Chile.
“Los Ángeles, Faz de Mujer” (Los Ángeles, Woman`s face), County Government Hall “Pedro Luna”, Los Ángeles, Chile.
1996 “Retratos y Autorretratos” (Portraits and Self Portraits), County Government Hall “Pedro Luna”, Los Angeles, Chile.
“Sur Contemporáneo” (Contemporary South), Sculptures, Paintings and Etchings of 19 artists of the south of Chile.
“Homenaje a Pedro Luna” (Homage Pedro Luna), County Government Hall “Pedro Luna”, Los Angeles, Chile.
1996 1997 “Reflejos 337” (Reflections 337), the Windows Workshop, Los Angeles, Chile.
“Pintores Contemporáneos” (Contemporary Painters, Rayen Art Gallery, Los Angeles, Chile.
1997 1998 “Pintando El Salto Laja” (Painting the Laja Water-Falls), Third In Situ Contest, County Government Hall “Pedro Luna”, Los Angeles, Chile.
“Tres Pintores, Taller la Ventana” (Three Painters from The Window Workshop), County Government Hall, Concepción, Chile.
1998 “El Color del Sur” (The South’s colour) Selected Work, National Contest.
Itinerant exhibition: Spain, France, Brazil.
1999 2000 “Pintando El Salto Del Laja” (Painting the Laja Waterfalls) Itinerant exhibition of the Fourth in situ contest.
“Pintura Contemporánea VIII Region” (Contemporary Painting of the Gighth Region), Messannina Hall, National Congress Valparaiso, Chile.
2000 “Muestra Colectiva 45 x 45” (Collective Exhibition 45 x 45), Montecatini Gallery, Concepción, Chile.
“Valdivia y su río (Valdivia and its river), Selected Work, National Contest of Painting.
2002 Itinerant Exhibition of the Fourth in situ Contest
“Pintando el Salto del Laja” (Painting The Laja Waterfalls) Pinacoteca Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
La Sebastiana Art Gallery, Valparaíso, Chile.
“Pinturas” (Paintings), The Windows Workshop, Los Angeles,Chile.
2003 “Pinturas” (Paintings), Mar y Tierra Art Gallery.
“Pintores Angelinos” (Los Ángeles Painters), County Government Hall “Pedro Luna”, Los Ángeles.
“Penrroz al Cuadrado” (Square Penrroz), Montecatini Art Gallery, Concepción, Chile.
2004 “Pequeño Formato” (Small Format), Montecatini Virtual Art Gallery, Concepción, Chile.
Itinerant Exhibition “Pintando El Salto del Laja” (Painting the Laja Water falls), Hotel Salto del Laja, Los Ángeles County Hall, Chile.
La Sebastiana Cultural Center, Valparaíso, Casablanca Santiago y Valdivia, Chile.
2005 “Mujeres Angelinas” (Women from Los Ángeles), Pedro Luna Hall, Los Ángeles,Chile.
“Metro cuadrado” (Square Meter), Montecatini Virtual Art Gallery.
“The apple, for bidden fruit” (La manzana, fruto prohibido). Montecatini Virtual Art Gallery, Santiago, Chile.
2006 “Globos Terráqueos, al confín del Mundo”,

2011 “Interior View”, individual show,

International colective art:

2007 "Chilean contemporary paintings on the XXI century", room of the artist, museum casa de Santo Domingo hotel, ancient Guatemala.

2007 "Chilean contemporary paintings on the XXI century" contemporary art museum, Santa Cruz de la sierra, Bolivia.

- Por que eres o te sientes artista?
- Porque no puedo ser de otra manera.

- ¿Cómo emerge tu creatividad?
- A partir de la fuerza de la figura huimana.

- ¿Que opinión te merece el mercado del arte?
- Complicado!!

- ¿Que aporta el arte a la tierra?
- Nos hace más felices.

- ¿Que opinión te merece
Excelente portal de difusión e información!!

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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